>>>  http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
>> To clarify: I don't really like these non-scientific benchmarks (in
>> many cases I assume no one or only really few people (not including
>> me) really understand what each micro-benchmark is really measuring).

I posted the link to the Shoot-out site as it seemed like a fair attempt
at being scientific and objective; the OS is constant, they seem to
offer benchmarks on 4 different hardware platforms, and the code being
used is available for viewing and (as far as I can tell) anyone can post
a better version if they think they can do it better.

It'd be nice if someone added an alpha-beta tree searcher algorithm, and
a zobrist hashing algorithm; then we'd have a much better idea of how
language speed affects typical game programming tasks. Any students here
with time for that?

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