
any case where discovering a particular position
would require making illegal moves during that
playout with respect to the move policy in place.

so for instance, if the only way to discover the death of a
group is to play inside one-point eyes, and there's a playout
policy that says to never play inside one-point eyes, then
the death of the relevant group will never be discovered, and
will have zero estimated probability of ever occurring.  not that
it will have vanishingly small probability, but that it will have

if this group is all that keeps two larger groups connected, for instance,
then this is a problem for the understanding of the whole board

this has been beaten badly to death, however, so i'll take any
responses off-list.


----- Original Message ----
From: ivan dubois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:45:01 AM
Subject: Re : Re : [computer-go] Bent four in the corner was:Scalability 
problem of play-out policies


This is correct. 
Do you think there will be no playouts where the group dies ? 
I think there will be around 50% where the group dies. If you think
 this is not the case, please explain to me. 


----- Message d'origine ----
De : steve uurtamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À : computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 23 Janvier 2008, 17h22mn 35s
Objet : Re: Re : [computer-go] Bent four in the corner was:Scalability
 problem of play-out policies

it will only assign it a positive probability of being

dead if there are playouts where the group dies, right?


----- Original Message ----

From: ivan dubois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:51:52 AM

Subject: Re : [computer-go] Bent four in the corner was:Scalability
 problem of play-out policies



I agree that the current implementation of Mogo (from what I know about
 it)  will not know for sure that the D17 black group is 100% dead.

It will think that it is X%  dead and stick to that estimation,
 whatever thinking time you give it. X is a constant that does not depend of
 thinking time (no scalability).

However, and this can be surprising, I am not sure wether it is really
 a scalability killer for whole board play, because after all, it doesnt
 have to know with 100 % confidence the status of one group to play

----- Message d'origine ----

De : terry mcintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

À : computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>

Envoyé le : Mercredi, 23 Janvier 2008, 16h24mn 53s

Objet : Re: Re : [computer-go] Bent four in the corner was:Scalability
 problem of play-out policies

Feed any MC-UCT program the position after White B1, at move 195, and
 ask the probability of a black win. Repeat until the program corrects
 its estimate.

It would be interesting to determine just how many simulations are
 needed to solve this problem - which is obvious to double-digit kyu

Terry McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

----- Original Message ----

From: ivan dubois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:17:17 AM

Subject: Re : [computer-go] Bent four in the corner was:Scalability
 problem of play-out policies


After thinking a bit more about it, I came to the conclusion that the
 so called "Bent four in the corner" shape, is not such a serious
 scalability killer (I like this term).

Nor is the situation that appears in your game.

Let me explain why : 

    It would indeed be a scalability killer if Mogo was 100 % sure that
 some group is dead, when it is actually alive. However what happens is
 that it has some doubts about the situation. It may think for example
 it is 60 % alive and 40 % dead. Of course it would be better for him to
 know the reality, but having some  persistent doubt on it is not that
 much detrimental. For example if he has perfect information about the
 rest of the board, he will play perfectly on the rest of the board.  

I propose a chalenge to this list : Find a real scalability issue with
 Mogo or any other actual UCT program. (And prove it)


----- Message d'origine ----

De : Harald Korneliussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

À : computer-go@computer-go.org

Envoyé le : Mercredi, 23 Janvier 2008, 15h31mn 20s

Objet : [computer-go] Bent four in the corner was:Scalability problem
 of play-out policies

Ivan Dubois mentioned  the bent four in the corner shape as a

scalability killer, a situation where more playouts  doesn't help

(much), because playouts systematically misevaluate it. As I

understand it, it could be corrected in the tree, but this is very

unlikely to happen until the very end of a game, by which time it may

be too late (Mogo having worked the entire game for that solid 0.5

win, which turns out to be a solid loss instead because of the

life-and-death misevaluation)

I recalled a KGS game of Mogo I'd looked at, where something very

similar happened, and with a little digging I found it again:


It turns out it's not the "bent four" shape, but I suspect it's

another such shape, where more playouts only confirm that "these moves

aren't worth including into the tree", so that UCT catches them very

late, if ever.

If these situations can be  reliably created by a human, then indeed

they put an upper limit on the "real world" scalability of a program.

If I should propose a hackish heuristic to deal with such situations,

this is it: At one point, when the problematic shape appeared, the

human must have done a move that to the computer seemed horribly bad.

"Why did he do that? Doesn't he see that my shape is alive?". When

such situations occur, there are two possibilities:

1. The bot is playing a weaker human player, and the move is indeed

2. The bot is playing a stronger human, and the move is actually good.

I think it may be a good idea to do something with the weighting in

these situations, so that the relevant moves are added to the tree. In

worst case, a lot of effort is wasted in proving a bad move bad - but

this should not be so serious, as the bad move will likely mean the

opponent has poor chances of winning anyway. In the best  case, the

program's blunder is revealed after the fact. This may still leave

little chance of winning, (if the l&d error was severe) but at least

the program's counting won't be off for the rest of the game. Since

today's programs don't care for winning margins, counting errors by

even a single point will spell disaster.

I believe this heurtistic would be cheap in terms of computational

cost, but hard to evaluate/tune. Self-play would not be very



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