Just allow any login to superceed any previous login.

Don Dailey wrote:
I am in the process of restarting it and you just happened to be there.

There is still a bug in the server where occasionally the server will
not realize a bot disconnected.   In those cases it "thinks" they are
still logged on and won't let them log back on.

So until I find the bug,  the server needs to be restarted
occasionally.    We should put this in bugzilla or whatever sourceforge
uses to track bugs. I should be able to look into this next week, but I'm booked solid this week.

- Don

Jason House wrote:
Maybe it's just a temporary thing, but I just happened to check and CGOS was
down...  I get lots of messages like the following:

22:43:00    Server startup return code: 1   msg: couldn't open socket:
connection refused
22:43:00    Cannot connect to server.  Will retry shortly


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