Hello Magnus,

interesting and strange.
I went through your constructed game (it is repeated here
without the in-between text)

> bC4 wD3 bC3 wD4 bD5 wE5 bD2 wE2 ...
> ... bE3 wE4 bE1 wF3!!!...
> ... bC1 wC5 bB5 wD6 bB6 wF1!...
> ...bF2 wC6 bB4!!!!!
> ...wF1 bE6 wF6 bF2 wE3 bD1 wF1 bF5 wF4 
> bF2 wPass bF1 B+3.5

Here I do not understand your counting:
Black has control over 21 sqaures, White over 15.
So, the final score of your game would be B+6.

But ... when White instead of passing continues wC2,
the game should go on with
bB2 wF1 bPass wF2, and now the score is B+2.

Or did I miss something?

By the way, in my experimental runs with Leela it was
really strange to see the evaluation switching between
"rather extremes" - on this little board.


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