I'm downloading Eclipse now to check it out.  Will you be adding a reference 
implementation (Don's AMAF spec) and/or a basic UCT implementation?

Mark Boon wrote:
As part of the open-source project I posted about yesterday, I have also made a Java client to connect a GTP engine to CGOS. This is nothing specific to the project, it should work with any GTP compliant program just as Don's original client does. It does have a small advantage, and that is it shows a simple go-board with the game that is being played. So there's no need to start the cgosview program separately, although that will obviously still have its uses. And you don't have to open a new window for each game. I figured that might be of some interest to those who frequently have a bot playing on CGOS and who like to keep an eye on what it's doing.

I would welcome it if others used it as well, so they can tell me what they think. http://plug-and-go.dev.java.net


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