On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Isaac Deutsch <i...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you explain what minimumNrNodes and nrSimulations do? In my program I
> play 50k games regardless of the number of nodes, so I would like to adjust
> this accordingly.

minimumNrNodes is the number of games played out. Originally I used to
always create a new node when a playout happened. Maybe this should be
renamed to minimumNrPlayouts. nrSimulationsBeforeExpansion is the
minimum number of visits that have to be made to a node before the
tree gets expanded any deeper. As an example, when the search begins,
the root-node is expanded with all possible legal moves. But those
children nodes are not expanded themselves until a certain number of
simulations (playouts) have been done starting from the root-node.
Until that time the children nodes are only used to store the AMAF
values. I think this may be slightly different from how most people do
it, but I figured it would be a waste to throw away the AMAF values
for the first 'n' simulations in a node.

> Otherwise, it works now. :)


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