On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 01:33:10AM +0900, Hideki Kato wrote:
> The tournament in Taiwan allows playing through KGS but according to 
> the rules <http://ai.csie.ndhu.edu.tw:9898/eng/p_7.htm>, it's 
> preferred to participate at least one person from each team.  If not, 
> the entry fee will be doubled.  Please ask the organizer for detail 
> (Click "Contact us" on <http://ai.csie.ndhu.edu.tw:9898/eng/>).

Thanks both to you and Jacques for all the information! I will yet see
if I come up with something on par with MoGoTW or Zen until the
tournament. ;-)

> In addition to above, UEC Cup will allow remote participants, though 
> the rules are not open yet.  The registration will start Oct 9th.  See 
> <http://jsb.cs.uec.ac.jp/~igo/eng/index.html> for detail.


It now says that Japanese rules will be used; this is a severe problem
for me, I wonder how will other cope - can any of the strong MonteCarlo
programs play with Japanese rules?

Reading further, it says "we do not permit to play through the Internet,
because it is important for us to meet together in the venue"; so maybe
remote participation is not possible after all...

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
A lot of people have my books on their bookshelves.
That's the problem, they need to read them. -- Don Knuth
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