Robert Jasiek wrote:
> ... Ask those that can distinguish 
> sum-style from obvious mistakes.

Terry McIntyre wrote:
> Robert,
> Your post is the first usage of "sum-style" that I have seen

I found one earlier mentioning of "sum-style",  by Robert
in a "godiscussion" in Febrary 2009. Look at

There, Robert wrote:
> Black style 1
> sum-style = Jasiek-style = non-standard moves, influence, 
> optionally large scale attack, optionally exchanges

I am not completely happy with this name. Of course, it is in some
sense justified by Robert's account name "sum" on KGS. On the other
hand, it will (if "really" introduced) lead to lots of missunderstandings,
confusing the "sum-concept" of Combinatorial Game Theory with Robert's
(opening) style. 
Indeed, I would prefer "Jasiek style", or, if Robert would feel too shy
for it as an alternative  "Berlin style" (Robert is the strongest Go
player of Germany's capital Berlin.)


Some questions to the go programmers:

* Was the success of Fuego (without opening book) in the November bot
tournament purely luck?
* If not, why at all do you use Joseki books? I understand their merits
for 9x9-Go, but at 19x19 ?

* Do you have experiences in autoplay: one side with "traditional"
Joseki books, the other side without any?

* How well do bots without opening books (on 19x19) peform against
human players?

Some more questions to Robert:
In the sample pages of your book "Joseki - Volume I - Fundamentals"
I found only stuff that looks more less "traditional". Does the book
contain also stuff on sum-style / Jasiek-style / Berlin-style ?

When did you start to play in this style?

Playing your style, where should (in Chinese rules) handicap stones
be "properly" placed?

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