
I really did not do a lot:

mainly I run make in the server directory, and got an error message that the sqlite version did not match (after trying to start or imediatly, I do not remember)

cgos.vfs/lib/sqlite3/pkgIndex.tcl:package ifneeded sqlite3 3.3.5

this line had 3.3.4

now I start with
gnome-terminal --tab -e "./cgos-linux-x86_64 cgos19.cfg" --tab -e "./webuild-linux-x86_64 cgos19.cfg" --tab -e "./http_server.sh" --tab -e "./cgosGtp-linux-x86_64 -c gnugo-3.8-a0.cfg"

with for web serving

detlef@ubuntu-i7:~/cgosboar$ cat http_server.sh
cd public_html
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

to have all 19x19 in one gnome-terminal

As you see I run the binaries produced, not the way in the install.readme file.

This is what my sources looks like, it is some months ago that I downloaded them..


My 9x9 webbuild sometimes crashes with database locked, I think this is because at the moment the games are very fast, but we will see....


P.S.: I do not have tcl experience, so repacking would be try and error

Am 03.05.2015 um 07:35 schrieb Joshua Shriver:
Would you be willing to help me revitalize cgos.computergo.org?  I can
even give you ssh access.

This we your server can sit on a dedicated IP/domain  and we can kinda
refresh things a bit and have a clean work/server space.

Just let me know.

I'm still curious how you got around the myriad of SQLite issues. I
know when I tried running local, I had to repackage the tclkit server
by copying a local built sqlite.so. file
Lots of kinks and issues, but to be honest you are doing a better job
at me at understanding/running it.

So I can at least offer dedicated space.

On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Detlef Schmicker <d...@physik.de> wrote:
8084 for 25x25 with GnuGo 3.8 as ELO 1800 anachor is up for a while now :)

9x9 too, (13x13 I will not set up, original cgos is running fine on 13x13)


Am 02.05.2015 um 07:21 schrieb Detlef Schmicker:

I set up a CGOS server at home. It is connected via dyndns, which is not
optimal of cause :(


8080 (webinterface)
8083 (19x19, GnuGo 3.8 set to ELO 1800 as anachor)

This is mainly for testing, if I get CGOS up correctly, what to do to have
it permanently running still to be seen.
I am not able to test the connection from the outside, hopefully I set up
everything correctly.
I might stop the server for the tournament on sunday, as it is the same

future plan is:
8081 for 9x9 8082 for 13x13 and 8084 for 25x25.
(you will see on the web interface, as soon as the other boardsizes are
switched on.

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