On 31/03/2016, "Ingo Althöfer" <3-hirn-ver...@gmx.de> wrote:
> ....somehow he went into a
> "strange loop", and in the end he was asked to stop posting.

asked by the very person i was trying to help!  That was the last straw.

Ironically, whilst i was openly trying to help all montes, not just
the one i admired most, DeepMind was secretly making a new monster
that would eat it for breakfast and bury it.

It was not me that was in a strange loop, but it was my mistake to
respond to various thickheaded trolls.  That experience taught me that
the only way for children to cope with internet bullies is to ignore
them, something that BF Skinner had worked out decades ago.

an author's best friend is his critic, but only so long as the
criticism has a rational point and is not merely egotistical vented

this is my first and last message about me.  further personal attacks
and attempts by egomaniacs to justify their antisocial behaviour will
be ignored.
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