> Michael,
> Thanks for your time / work on this computer-go email list and...

> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 6:18 AM, <computer...@roveg.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>         Thanks for your patience.
>>         Everything should be the same, the archives,
>> addresses you send new posts to, the location of
>> listonfo and archives, and memberships and the passwords you were given
>> when you subscribed.
>>         The IP has changed, and it is running as
>> a virtual host.  These will affect the headers
>> of the emails and subscriber clients may handle
>> things in a different way.  E.G. much of this
>> thread ended up in the spam folder of one of
>> m subscribed accounts.
>>         It will take a few days (probably)
>> to suss it all out.  Hopefully it can all
>> be done at the server.
>>         Transit times are different.  It was
>> on the east coast USA, now on the west coast
>> in San Francisco.
>>         I'll post on progress or lack thereof
>> as things settle in.
>>         Thanks again,
>>         Michael
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