[Apologies for cross-posting]

Due to numerous requests, the deadline for ACG 2017 has been extended to March 
13. People who have submitted already can also update their submission.


The Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer Games (ACG2017) 
will be held in Leiden, the Netherlands, in conjunction with the 23th World 
Computer Chess Championship (WCCC) and the 19th Computer Olympiad (CO). The 
conference takes place from Monday July 3 to Wednesday July 5, 2017, on three 
consecutive days, and is located at the Snellius building of Leiden University. 
The WCCC and the CO will take place from July 1 to July 8 or 9, also at Leiden 

The conference aims in the first place at providing an international forum for 
computer-games researchers presenting new results on ongoing work. The recent 
successes of the CG and the ACG conferences have encouraged the organizers to 
widen their scope and therefore we encourage contributions on virtual and video 
games and modern board games. So, we invite contributors to submit papers on 
all aspects of research related to computers and games. Relevant topics 
include, but are not limited to: (1) the current state of game-playing programs 
for classic and modern board and card games, (2) the current state of virtual, 
casual and video games, (3) new theoretical developments in game-related 
research, and (4) general scientific contributions produced by the study of 
games. Also researchers on topics such as (5) social aspects of computer games, 
(6) cognitive research of how humans play games, (7) capture and analysis of 
game data, and (8) issues related to networked games are invited to submit 
their contributions.

Important dates:

Paper submission deadline: March 13, 2017
Notification of acceptance: April 3, 2017 
Camera ready papers due: May 1, 2017

Paper Submission Requirements:

Papers of 8 to 10 pages are preferred. The maximum length is 12 pages. The 
format for submission is PDF, generated using LaTeX. We expect to publish the 
proceedings in the Lecture Notes Series (LNCS/LNAI). Submissions website:

The Chairs of the Program Committee:

Mark Winands
Jaap van den Herik
Walter Kosters

More details can be found at: http://acg2017.wordpress.com

Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer Games 2017

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