I'm trying to write my own go playing program. Right now it is GnuGo style
program - no dedicated search is performed. It is pleasure to see bot
improving, but recently I decided to learn and implement MCTS, meaning I
have to use my go board implementation often (for playouts).
I see some fundamental performance problems, but can't decide if it is lack
of my programming knowledge or need of paradigm shift. I'm having around
1000 playouts/s with very light playouts (which, as I understand, is very
small number). My playouts consist of selecting all empty fields, which are
not potential eyes of player to move and playing one at random.
Benchmarking shows, that current biggest offender is function, which checks
if field is potential eye, by checking values of color array around point
of interest.
My board implementation is strightforward - one dimensional array of colors
of intersections (black, white, empty or border) and some additional info
like player to move, ko position, etc. Not going into programming part I
would like to ask, if there would be benefit of also having other arrays
for liberties, numbers of neighbours and so on, which I would update
incrementally and then check? Looks like such libraries like Fuego or
libego use this approach. Or I am looking at this problem from wrong side
and need to search for bottlenecks in code itself? Thank you in advance.
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