On 21/10/2017 14:21, David Ongaro wrote:
> I understand that DeepMind might be unable to release the source code
> of AlphaGo due to policy or licensing reasons, but it would be great
> (and probably much more valuable) if they could release the fully
> trained network.

The source of AlphaGo Zero is really of zero interest (pun intended). It
can be obtained by ripping out ~50% of the Ray/Rn or AQ code (everything
related to MC playouts) and some minimal changes to evaluate the same
network for scoring and policy. Same for Leela.

It's literally possible to have a "Leela/Ray/AQ Zero" in a week or so
(it'll require a GPU or performance will be atrocious).

Of course, I can't give you the trained network to load into it. That'll
take another 88642 weeks.

So yes, the database of 29M self-play games would be immensely more
valuable. (Probably like the last 5M or so is fine, too). I prefer the
games over the network - with the games it's easier to train a smaller
network that gives better results on PC's that don't have 4 TPUs in them.

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