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I'm volunteering to run some LZ bots on CGOS (the main person running them
before has decided to stop). The first one, LZ-1a198f-t1-v2600, will get
100 games soon.

I decided to use -v2600 because it uses about the same amount of GPU time
as -p1600 but it is stronger. Full command line: ./leelaz -v 2600
--noponder -r 1 -g -t 1 -d -w 1a198f -l LZ-1a198f-t1-v2600.log

I plan to eventually run two bots at a time. One as an anchor that runs for
a long time, and another as the most recent net just up to 100 games to get
a BayesElo. This might mean skipping some nets but I don't think it's
necessary to get every single one. Some other bot authors have complained
about too many LZ clones on CGOS.

I also plan to occasionally run a net with full thinking time (remove -v2600
--noponder, and use -t2 which seems close to optimal on my machine). I have
a GTX960, when I run this test I'll post some information on how many
playouts it gets in the games.

- Andy aka KillerDucky
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