The problem is I was using Windows, and I am not very familiar with that system. In Linux, the child would have died automatically.


On 27/10/2014 10:08, Petr Baudis wrote:

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 10:30:10AM +0000, Nick Wedd wrote:
I wonder how practicable it would be for a bot, on startup, to search
for other copies of itself running, and issue a warning if it finds any.
   I think it would be much easier in practice if the program made sure
it does not keep running when its parent process (kgsGtp) dies.  This
can happen in multiple ways - either by doing this explicitly,

has a couple of ideas, but even a much more elegant way is simply not
overriding SIGPIPE.  Then your process will get that signal when trying
to reply to a deceased kgsGtp and die automatically.

   I suspect these problems stem from disabling SIGPIPE which really
shouldn't be necessary for anything in this context anyway.

                                Petr Baudis
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