Google Desktop has been a problem. Soon after installation, Google Desktop use up to 99% of my CPU for searching the same file for a day or more: a graphics file.

Can you restrict what Google Desktop indexes to a particular set of files or set of directories? I know I can with Apple Spotlight. Maybe
 Google does this too?

Google can do advanced searches, but it's very cumbersome and annoying.
The results are messy. I hate Spotlight because its defaults are stupid.
I use the Find command in the Finder. I still need to select the
parameters, and that's a pain. I'm looking for a way to set the defaults
to find by name. I've usually been able to find just about anything by
name and often by date. Including related file types with names that
have nothing to do with what I want before I choose that parameter is
just a PITA.

Can I take the old "Find" app from 10.3 and make it work in 10.4? It
could find anything better, faster than Spotlight, et al. With "Find"
you have to turn "on" the extra features instead of turning them "off".
Worse, yet, I can't search for anything inside the system folder without
first using Safari to reveal the invisible folders.

None of the searches, least of all Google Desktop can find things well.
And you have to search through the excess results to find what you were
trying to find in the first place!

I hate to be relegated to using the Terminal when a good GUI should be


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