Jeff Wright
>> Hmmmm, word processing (WP had, MS took it away), C++
>> compiler (at least 2 or 3 competitors, MS took it away),

> "Took" it away?  What, did WP misbehave and get sent its
> room?  How exactly did they take it away?

Bundling.  Isn't that similar to what railroads did in their
early years.  Cost a run to some popular location where they
had competition below the cost to operate that route and
charge other routes with little/no competition much more for
rates.  (I'm sure there are more recent occurrences be
jabbering fool, ooops to late, I'm already doing that<g>)

Also the MS sales guy playing golf with the boss.  Yes, it's
a time honored tradition dating back to IBM where the sales
droid points out who knows the OS better than we do?. That
doesn't make either right.  At the time this was happening
(intro'ing MS C++), I was actually a developer and active on
the Fidonet C++ lists.  For a long time before the
introduction of MS C++ 5(?details?), MS C++ was a relabeled
version of Lattice's product and MS didn't push their product
hard since they figured that all of the development would be
done in VB.

>> Instant Messaging (primarily AOL, hmmm, not so much
>> anymore, it turns out to have been over taken by cell
>> phones after MS took it over...),

> Yahoo, Gaim, Twitter, AIM, SMS, ICQ, Jabber.  You're
> right, MS dominates.

I really despise hypocrites.  MS says "They want to fulfill
their customer desires." by copying a successful product
(Netscape) and giving it away (hmmmm, did they find it under
a tree?)  If on the other hand another firm emulates an MS
product, there is an army of lawyers standing at the ready
to defend MS IP.

> The list of MS failures is as long as its successes.  Its
> failures, notably, are most common when it tries to take
> on entrenched market standards.  Or something entirely
> new  (**cough** Bob).  Not a very good track record.

They are also willing to sink lots of money in a product
until it does work (MS Word comes to mind).

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
I used to have a handle on life, then it broke.

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