>Tom, from what you've seen, that your camera might work in a protected 
>carport? The neighborhood cars just got hit this weekend and police have 
>no evidence or clues.

That depends on where you are located. As an indoor camera it is rated for 41 
to 104°F. So the carport is probably okay for Summer, but not so good for 
Winter. Exceeding this range probably won't kill it outright, but will probably 
shorten its life. Maybe you could hide it in a bird house and add some heating 
tape to keep it happy in the Winter?

BTW, I just tested the camera using FTP. This gets me a permanent record of 
everything the motion detector detects. (Vs. the camera's memory buffer, which 
only stores the last triggered event). I like the result. The camera can be set 
to append a time stamp to the file names so it is easy to see the sequence. I 
wrote a short PHP script to display the JPEGs as thumbnails with links and 
nicely formatted time stamps.

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