>> Is this the 1st of April?  I really need a reality check with this "1" bit
>> catching up to a "0" bit.

April 1st is only a few weeks away. This is a special time for the 
Computer Guys as the first broadcast was on a first week of April and Tom 
was sacked for not signing a "vow of silence" just before an April show. 

Computer Guys Whopper Contest

1) Reply to this email thread so all Whoppers are archived under one 
thread. Only Whoppers in this thread at mail-archive.com will be judged. 

2) Whopper must relate to computers, technology, or the Computer Guys.

3) Whopper must be false. If any list member can prove a Whopper is true, 
it will probably be disqualified.

4) Contest is open to all members of the Computer Guys List, their 
spouses, siblings, near relations, and the people next door.

5) Whoppers do not have to be original.

6) Contest ends midnight April 1, 2008 or thereabouts.

7) Tom is the sole judge. Anyone may kibitz. All decisions are final. Tom 
may change any rule at any time and abandon all good sense if he so 

8) First prize: A brand new and out of date Computer Guys mouse pad will 
be mailed to the first prize winner.

9) Second prize: Two brand new and out of date Computer Guys mouse pads 
will be mailed to the second prize winner.

10) Winning Whoppers will be posted on cguys.org for all to admire. 
Whoppers may be edited for good taste, good spellin, or other unspecified 

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**  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http://www.cguys.org/  **

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