>Hmm... this is the problem with a forum where we have experts and novices in 
>various areas examining the same issue.  When I try to simplify a response 
>to "Cable Quality makes no difference", I get assaulted with suedo-technical 

"Suedo-technical" means facts that don't agree with what you are pushing?

>The short answer is... cable quality DOES make a differnence.

Too short. Add "in some cases and is just a waste of money in other 

>The long version from Adaptec comes from the design of SCSI U320 cables 
>and can be seen at and partially reproduced below:

Ultra SCSI is not a good example to generalize from. Physically very 
different from a USB cable. Ultra SCSI uses a ribbon cable. There are no 
shields and there are no twists. Designs based on ribbon cables have to 
try all sorts of tricks to make up for ribbon cable problems. For example 
a ribbon cable may alternate a grounded wire with every wire that 
actually does something, thus creating a semi-shield over half the wire 
and also reducing crosstalk.

The problems with this type of cable is why recent cable systems have 
given up parallel for serial: SATA, SAS, FireWire, USB, etc.

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