I can understand video editor limitations, but wouldn't the rendering
time be faster?

Richard P.

> Okay, I can't let this pass. Our video editors don't edit one whit
> faster on a multi core system, so what is it about this guy that makes
> him think he can finish projects quicker? I mean, can he offer
> specific examples?
>> I recently replaced our graphics workstation, a 3.0 GHz dual-core Pentium-D
>> (P4) Dell Precision (with a 10K RPM hard drive), with a 2.3 GHz Intel Core2
>> Duo quad-core Dell Precision (with a 7200 RPM drive) and the difference in
>> response time just from the OS is incredible.  It's just plain faster.  Both
>> have 4 GB of RAM.  My graphics guy loves how much faster he can get work
>> done, too.
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