I couldn't agree more. It has gotten so that when I see the subject
header and who has responded that I find myself automatically deleting
the message without reading it, rather than subject myself to yet
another embarrassing rebuttal. In the old days, one was asked to take
their issues outside. At least if you're not going to give it up, take
it off list.

On New Years Eve, I briefly thought about posting something like this
for the New Year. Maybe I should have sent it anyway. Thanks for
putting it out there, Andy.

Richard P.

> Folks, reading some of these messages is getting, well, depressing.  May I
> offer a suggestion?  If there's something that really needs to be said, how
> about saying it before, say, midnight tonight (EST), and then leave it all
> behind?  Let's make a fresh start tomorrow.
> -Andy (now preparing to duck and cover ...)

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