Tom, I think you mentioned a problem with Open DNS taking longer to
load. Would this have helped that situation?

"After using OpenDNS for a while, you might find that some or all of
the sites that you frequent don't load as fast as they did when you
started using the service. This is because your computer saves DNS
information in a cache. It uses the cached information whenever you
try to hit one of those sites. The easy way around this is to clear
your computer's DNS cache. How?

To do that, open a command prompt. In Windows, type the command
ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. In MacOS 10.5, type dscacheutil
-flushcache and press Enter. In Linux, /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart
(you may have to do this as root)."

Saw this on email.

Richard P.

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