Recently I've been having intermittent connectivity problems with IE7
accessing the Internet. More often than not, IE7 just sits there and
spins away with no Internet activity showing in the Zone Alarm Intenet
monitor. Shutting down the firewall doesn't help all the time
(although it did seem to help once). Typing in the IP address directly
doesn't help either. IE7 Internet access is set to default levels.

This is a recent problem but I don't know when exactly it happened, as
I use Firefox as my main browser. I've had no issues with Firefox or
Thunderbird access. I tried IE8 but that had the same issue. Any help
will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Richard P.
Windows XP SP3
Zone Alarm
Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13
AVG Antivirus
Spy Sweeper Antispyware

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