I take it that you don't use a temperature gauge or volt/ammeter in
your vehicles... I find them quite useful to monitor, especially on a
long trip.

Richard P.

>> If most of the dash info (spedo, tach fuel etc.) could be done this way
>> would not necessitate taking eyes off of the road so much.
>  Does one really need to take their eyes off the road all that much?
> What is the need to constantly keep looking at the speedometer, tach
> or gas gauge?  I can drive my car all day long without having to look
> at the speedometer at all and I still know almost exactly how fast I
> am going.  One glance at my gas guage tells me all I need to know.
> One doesn't have to have done much driving at all, especially in a
> particular vehicle, to be able to quite accurately judge speed.  I can
> tell by how my engine sounds coupled with how fast the scenery is
> going by.  I don't need some computerized speedometer to tell me the
> difference between 35 and 45 mph or between 60 and 75 mph.
>  Heads-up displays still take your eyes off the road in that your
> point of focus becomes the windshield, not the roadway beyond, and at
> night can be a real distraction.
>  Steve

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