I never asserted that a craftsman doesn't value quality. Apparently
you made that up out of nowhere in order to interject another Mac/PC

In the example I gave, the person appreciated quality so much that he
produced projects worthy of display in the Smithsonian, year after
year. The tools and the workshop he used to accomplish this were
nothing to look at, but in his hands, he created miracles.

Richard P.

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 8:13 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Richard P. wrote:
>> Personally, I think it's more important to have a skilled person
>> behind the tools, than just looking at the quality of the tools. ... The
>> work he did was impeccable, as evidenced that the Smithsonian kept
>> calling him back. Yet to look at his shop with its antiquated tools...
> This quote amply demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of craftsmen
> and craftsmanship.
> 1st, antiquated means old fashioned, but that says nothing about the quality
> of the tools. I love opening my grandfather's tool chest and handling his
> wonderful antiquated woodworking tools. They are beautiful and highly
> functional. They are great tools for doing fine work, even today. Using them
> is a joy.
> 2nd, your assertion that a craftsman does not value quality is nonsense. It
> ain't true just because you say so and you have produced nothing to vouch
> for its veracity. Notice that when you see wonderfully creative artists and
> scientists interviewed on TV, if you see a computer in the background it
> will almost always be a Mac. It is the grubby MBAs who run their ponzi
> schemes on Windows PCs.
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