Verizon is helping out on their end. In Baltimore, MD, 3 people I've
talked to last week have found their landlines have been cut by
Verizon over the last couple of months even though they were still
being used. When Verizon finally owned up to the fact, it still took
two weeks for the landlines to be reconnected.

Richard P.

On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 5:48 PM,
<> wrote:
>  AT&T has petitioned the FCC to allow for the dismantling and removal
> of all landline telephone service in the United States.  AT&T wants to
> know when they can begin the euthanasia and how soon the termination
> can be completed.  Perhaps this helps explain why they have also
> recently petitioned for even more of the broadcast television
> frequencies, demanding a re-farming of all terrestrial television
> broadcasting transmitter sites as previously noted in this forum.

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