A senior friend went out to a local electronics store and bought a new
Dell, 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium computer to replace his old XP
which has a failing hard drive. Unfortunately, the only program that
he has that will run on the new computer is his antivirus software and
AOL. Even his 6 month old HP digital camera's software won't run on
it. It will end up costing more to replace all the software than the
computer cost.

While replacing the hard drive and transferring over his programs and
data is a $250 option, it will still leave him with a old computer
with a slow chip. Is there a place he can buy an XP computer with a
decent amount of memory (2GB) and dual core chip for a reasonable
amount of $? Is there another solution for him? It looks like the only
Microsoft computer's being advertised are the Windows 7, 64 bit

Thanks in advance,

Richard P.

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