Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> Stephen Warren wrote:
>> Phil Dibowitz wrote:
>>> One comment on ** vs *&. The code tends to use *& in any non-public API, and
>>> ** only for public functions since C requires that. You converted various
>>> private APIs to **, and I prefer to leave them *& to be consistent with the
>>> entire rest of the codebase. Only the actual libconcord.h API gets **, and
>>> that header file is in fact the dividing line. So I'd like that reversed.
>> But but you let me get away with it for GetTag :-) :-)
>> Anyway, I've reverted those changes.
> Well, you reverted MOST of them. I reverted GetTag for you.

Oh, I thought you'd previously said you were OK with GetTag working that
way. I guess you meant the separation of in/out parameters rather than
*&->** change. Never mind!

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