Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> Phil Dibowitz wrote:
>>> bNumEndpoints 2
>>> address 81 attrib 03 max_length 64
>>> address 02 attrib 03 max_length 64
>>> Requesting Identity: 100%                 done
>>> Failed to read from device: -110 (could not detach kernel driver from 
>>> interface 0: No data available)
>>> Failed to prepare remote for FW update
>>> Failed to upload firmware: Unknown error
>>> Failed with error 1
>> OK, can you applied the attached patch and recompile and try again and send
>> the output?
> Oh - BTW, Stefan, I don't know how much you followed the list before writing
> in, but just in case you didn't already know, the firmware update code for
> your remote is *brand new*, and you're the first tester on your remote - so
> it may take a bit to get it working, but we very much appreciate your help
> testing!

OK, we were both completely wrong. It was simply one of the checks in
get_identity() was:

        if (!ri.valid_config) {
                return LC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG;

So I made a change in concordance.c to say if this is the return value, warn
on the invalid config, and then move in - because all the rest of the data
we get is just fine.

I was able to recover using libconcord now. Yay!

Phil Dibowitz                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica         

"Never write it in C if you can do it in 'awk';
 Never do it in 'awk' if 'sed' can handle it;
 Never use 'sed' when 'tr' can do the job;
 Never invoke 'tr' when 'cat' is sufficient;
 Avoid using 'cat' whenever possible" -- Taylor's Laws of Programming

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