Andreas Schulz wrote:
> (see also message:
> [patch 0/2] Change of libconcord API for IR codes learning - Build 20080628)

I have tested this patch a little bit, just for a few key captures,
using my Harmony 880 and a Samsung HDTV remote (NECx2 protocol
apparently), and it seems to work for me.

I have a few questions about the code etc. though:

1) How was MAX_IR_SIGNAL_LENGTH chosen? Do we have any information on
whether this correlates well with the official Logitech software?

Should the length not be hard-coded, but dynamically allocated based on
the amount of received data before timeout? We'd need to implement a
total-recording-timeout rather than (or in addition to)
time-since-last-data-seen timeout if we do this.

2) If I hold down the key on the original remote forever,
CRemote::LearnIR loops forever, since it never sees "t_off>=500000".
Since ir_signal_length is limited, perhaps the loop should break out if
the ir_signal array is completely full?

3) Are we supposed to detect/remove/mark/... repeats in the recorded
data. Or, does the Harmony website do this when it receives the encoded

4) Can this function have progress callback added; either:

% of number of ir_samples array filled (if fixed size)


% of maximum recording time passed (if we limit recording time rather
than data size)


> Note on concordance UI:
> =======================
> To make use of the changed IR learning API of libconcord, after this patch 
> concordance will:
> - show the number of keys to be learned
> - prompt for the next key to learn, asking for user response whether to:
> - - navigate through the list of key names (Next/Previous),
> - - Learn an IR code for this key or
> - - Quit
> - after an IR code has been received, display an ASCII-rendering of the
>   received code. Even though not very accurate, it could give some indication
>   whether something might have gone wrong
> - prompt the user after learning whether the received code shall be
> - - Uploaded (posted) to Logitech,
> - - Discarded, proceeding with the next key or
> - - Learned again.
> Patch installation:
> ===================
> This patch should be applied to concordance CVS release 0.20. It reqiures 
> libconcord built and installed with the pervious patch [patch 1/2] applied.
> Apply patch via:
>   cd <wherever>/concordance
>   patch -p1 < concordance-IRLearn-20080628.patch
> Detailed comments on changes:
> =============================
> Index: concordance/concordance.1
> ===================================================================
> +Learn IR from other remotes. Use <filename>. Supports also files with 
> multiple key names, i.e. when you checked multiple commands on the Logitech 
> website. For each command, you have the choice to skip to the next or 
> previous command or to learn the IR code from the original remote.
>> added remark about changed IR learning
> Index: concordance.c
> ===================================================================
> +#define strdup _strdup
>> fixed VC++ warning
> +void _dump_new_code(uint32_t carrier_clock, uint32_t *ir_signal, 
> +     uint32_t ir_signal_length, struct options_t *options)
>> 'plot' received IR code as ASCII-art to identify bad IR signals
> +int _learn_ir_commands(uint8_t *data, uint32_t size, struct options_t 
> *options)
>> adapt to changed libconcord API; added code to navigate through list
>> with multiple keys to be learned and to accept/reject learned IR signal.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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