On 10/23/2011 12:42 AM, Rob G. wrote:
> Dear Phil,
> Where would I get the CVS branch to which you refer?  Please excuse my 
> stupidity.. lol

Click on "Project" on the site which will take you to our Sourceforge project
page, and there's CVS instructions on there.

> Linking...
> LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "./Debug/libconcord.lib"
> Error executing link.exe.
> concordance.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

This probably means you're trying to build Concordance before you build
Libconcord. Note that you have to choose EITHER "libconcord_libusb" or
"libconcord_winhid" and BEFORE you can build "concordance"

In your case, go the simple route and choose "libconcord_winhid"

Hmm the instructions don't make that clear... file a bug against me and I'll
fix that.

Phil Dibowitz                             p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter
 and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

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