Hi all!

I am finally preparing to do a new release of Congruity / MHGUI. I can't believe it has been over 4 years since the last one. Sorry about that. :)

The biggest changes in this release are support for wxPython 4 as well as (finally) Python 3. wxPython 3 and Python 2 are still supported, however. But there are a fairly long list of fixes that have accumulated over time, as well as a few enhancements (e.g., username/password saving by Chris Mayo). I've also replaced the Makefile with a more standard setup.py installation.

If there's anyone still out there, I would appreciate if you could test the latest git master and let me know if you run into any problems. If you want to use Python 3, you'll need the latest git master of concordance, too. I'm trying to get Phil to do a release of concordance too.


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