On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 06:26:07PM +0100, Johnny wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently, probably linked with my recent re-install of F17, conkeror no
> longer opens pdf's (or other file types) after downloading them. After
> download is finshed, conkeror asks to open the file with "mupdf" as I
> have configured it, but nothing happens. i am using conkeror 1.0pre on
> XULrunner 15.0.1. I am puzzled as I haven't change any configs...
> Thanks for any help! 

Make sure that conkeror-spawn-helper is installed or has been built in the
conkeror directory.  Try rebuilding it.  It doesn't have to be installed
to a PATH directory, but if there is one in the path, be sure to update

John Foerch
Conkeror mailing list

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