I thank Professor Martin for his close reading of my paper and will
reconsider the two characterizations by which I introduce the quotes
from Madison and Morris in light of his comments.    This is the great
thing about posting articles prepublication.  However, I should
emphasize that I presented these two quotes, not to make the claims with
which Professor Martin helpfully disagrees, but solely because they both
presuppose the power to judicially nullify unconstitutional laws.



Randy E. Barnett
Austin B. Fletcher Professor
Boston University School of Law
765 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA  02215
617-353-3099 (phone)
617-353-3077 (fax)
http://www.LysanderSpooner.org (Lysander Spooner page)
http://www.RandyBarnett.com/SOL.htm (Structure of Liberty  page)

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