I can't recall off the top of my head precisely where I found it -- it was
some official government site -- but I am attaching a Adobe file with the
information you are seeking.

I wouldn't ordinarily send an attachment to the list, but since It is only
5 pages long, I don't think that should present a problem.

Ed Hartnett
Seton Hall

(See attached file: failed constitutional amendments.pdf)

                      Bill Funk
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      Sent by: Discussion        cc:
                      list for con law           Subject:  Unadopted constitutional 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      09/04/03 01:40 PM
                      Please respond to
                      Discussion list for
                      con law professors

Does anyone know a website containing the texts and information
concerning amendments proposed to the states that have not been adopted?

Bill Funk
 Lewis & Clark Law School

Attachment: failed constitutional amendments.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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