If I can help I will (propably not a 24/7 support :-) ).

2008/3/8, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> We have a Continuum instance available for ASF projects to use:
>  http://vmbuild.apache.org/continuum/groupSummary.action
>  This is our (internal) public face, and it would be great to have more
>  volunteers keeping an eye on it!
>  It was down this morning, so I re-started it (at 11AM MST.)  I didn't
>  investigate why it was unhappy.
>  One thing we really need to do is upgrade it to the latest version.
>  I'm hesitant to take that on alone, but maybe someone else is braver
>  than I, or 2-3 people might collaborate to get it done and documented.
Sure won't be so easy (is all the build history important ?)

>  And there are 11 open issues:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=10410&component=12311662&resolution=-1&sorter/field=priority&sorter/order=DESC
>  There is some documentation here:
>  http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/vmbuild/Home
>  (This needs to be moved into svn to better conform with other infra
>  documentation, something that's been on my list for a while now...)

Ok but where ? (something like
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/vmbuild or
Using a site write with the maven format (apt xdoc) ?

>  --
> Wendy

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