Please, file an issue.


Lee Meador a écrit :
I have a shell project.

The executable is 'mvn.bat' and the argument is the long string:

-f 00Build/pom.xml --settings "C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\continuum-1.0.2\bin\win32\conf\settings.xml" clean install

This argument shows up on the "info" tab for the project correctly. There is
only one build for that project.

When I click "edit" to change the argument, the whole argument (as shown
above) does not appear in the text box on that web page. It's not that it
doesn't fit in the box and I would have to get it to scroll left and right
to see the text. It just ends where the first double quote is. I see the
first part of the argument and the last word shown is '--settings'.

I can work around it by copying the argument on the "info" tab to my
clipboard and then pasting it after I click the 'edit' link.


-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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