
Adding support of Maven profiles in adding project won't be so hard.
But does this profile must be added automatically in the build definition ? (in 
your case adding -Pallblocks in Arguments)
Can you fill an issue concerning this ?

I don't know if you need a workaround but a simple is to add in the machine you 
use in the file ~/.m2/settings.xml :



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Grzegorz Kossakowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : dimanche 19 août 2007 00:13
À : continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Objet : Re: How to import all modules of Maven 2 project

Wendy Smoak pisze:
> On 8/18/07, Grzegorz Kossakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I noticed that Continuum can do a mass import of modules by scanning 
>> recursively pom files. That's really nice feature! However, I found 
>> limitation that is quite annoying for me: I can't tell Continuum to 
>> use other than default Maven profile while scanning for modules. In 
>> our pom[2] we have defined most modules in allblocks profile so I can't add 
>> them automatically. Since number of modules is around 230 adding them 
>> manually is not an option.
>> Can you give some advice?
> My preference is to make the default setup build everything, (with 
> activeByDefault or activation based on the absence of a property) and 
> then rely on the other profiles to build smaller subsets.

We gradually move modules into default build so situation improves but I fear 
such a radical change is not an option for us, now.

> My first (pre-caffeine) idea for a workaround is to define a minimal 
> ci-pom.xml and list all the modules.  When you add the project to 
> Continuum, specify that pom, but let the build definition use the 
> normal pom.xml. [untested]

That does not solve our problem because our root pom looks like this:
     <!-- sub projects -->

The rest is defined in other poms, so I would have to create recursively 
ci-pom.xml files or create one big, aggregated ci-pom.xml files. Second option 
is not perfect because it still involves recursive, manual scanning. With help 
of little scripting I could build some bash script but I would really like to 
avoid doing this.

> Emm has also written about the XML-RPC interface, which might be 
> useful to get these projects added:
> http://www.devzuz.org/blogs/evenisse/2007/08/15/1187191589861.html

This involves writing custom Java app which is even worse IMO.

I'm wondering if adding support for Maven profiles to Continuum would be that 

Thanks for answer.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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