Im my company, we use it on a solaris server in a tomcat (6.0.14) (not
really confident in windows :-) ).
JAVA_OPTS has the following content -Xmx1536m -Xms1536m -server.

Concerning impact on performance, I see an issue with your "build
after each commit".
Here we use the following cron "0 0 1,10,12,16,18,20 * * ?"


2007/12/21, Thierry CARRE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> There are several ways to install Continuum 1.1 (standalone, deploying in
> Tomcat, JBoss…) and I don't know which one to choose.
> My context is:
> - several projects, building with ant or maven2
> - many developers
> - Subversion
> - First projects may be built once per day, but in a near future they will
> be built after each commit
> Are there some 'best practices' or recommendations on how to install
> Continuum? What are the differences on the administration if I install
> Continuum as a Windows service or as a web application in Tomcat for
> example? Are there impacts on performances?
> Thanks for your advices.
> Regards,
> Thierry.

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