Claudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Trying to install a pop3 server on my mdk-8.0 at university:
> 1.
> Quite a great fantasy to put it into imap-200
> 2.
> Quite a good fantasy to put away inetd for a not working xinetd, so that...
> 3.
> xinet won't start and all I get in /var/log/messages is:
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: imaps disabled, removing
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: imap disabled, removing
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: echo-udp disabled, removing
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: echo disabled, removing
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: daytime-udp disabled, removing
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: daytime disabled, removing
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: cvspserver disabled, removing
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: socket creation failed (Address family 
> not supported by protocol (errno = 97)). service = pop3
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: {init_services} no services. Exiting...
> May 14 17:34:30 flypro xinetd: xinetd startup succeeded
> 4.
> It's fucking me!!! It says "xinetd startup succeede" but now...
> 5.
> [root@flypro RPMS]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd stop
> Stopping xinetd:                                           [FAILED]
> [root@flypro RPMS]#
> [root@flypro RPMS]# tail -3 /var/log/messages
> May 14 17:34:29 flypro xinetd[12065]: {init_services} no services. Exiting...
> May 14 17:34:30 flypro xinetd: xinetd startup succeeded
> May 14 17:35:48 flypro xinetd: xinetd shutdown failed
> for it did NOT start, I suppose.
> Anyway, pop server won't work. :o(
> Any hint?

humm works here... could really not reproduce this problem.

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