The two MAIN problems under gnome are certainly file management and...PRINTING !!!! Abiword has it's own printbox, so does galeon, so does gnumeric, so does ggv...can someone do something pretty about that ! You can't tell a new user to open an xterm and type "lpr"...and what if you want to print landscape ? Please read "man lpr". That's not serious.
That's a shame because there are really very good things in gnome panel (i love the "two menus" concept) , desktop (icons resizing) , control-center (really easier than kcontrol) and nautilus (image zoom with the mouse..) for ex.
We need those two very important dialog boxes : printing and file selection.

Buchan Milne a écrit:

Adam Williamson wrote:

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 18:25, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:

File dialog is one legitimate problem, it's well known and well discussed, and is in the works for GNOME 2.4. No-one can agree on exactly what to do with it, though =). It's just a hangover, basically. GNOME 2.0 was a framework release so they just ported the old file dialog to GTK+ 2, and then there were more pressing things to work on for 2.2.

AFAICR, this was originally promised for 2.0! Then again for 2.2! It's been years since they have promised to have this fixed. And it won't be as functional when it is done either.

One very nice thing to try in the GNOME file dialog that
doesn't work in KDE, AFAICT - tab-completion! Type a partial directory
name in the entry box, hit tab, see what happens...=)

It may not work in the "Location" field, but it does work (not via tabbing, via a drop-down box) in the recently-used directory drop-down.

>>I just don't see the difference, to be honest. Your average luser runs
>>an email client and a browser, right? I just don't see the difference
>For the most part, yes, but there are many other things to do.
>Calculator, chat, instant messaging for example.

gcalctool, xchat, gaim. xchat and gaim are strengths of the GTK+ environment, I know several KDE users who use them...there's GnomeICU, too.

Remember, JM mentioned corporates. Besides email and web (which are
often not striclty work), our users never need irc/chat/im stuff. One of
the biggest issues is file management etc, and Nautilus just doesn't cut
it. Also, Gnome doesn't have an OpenOffice quick starter any more.

Well, it all depends on the definition of "app", really ;). The stuff in
Fifth Toe (galeon and some other programs) will be part of GNOME at some
point, and from a certain angle you can call things like
gnome-system-monitor apps. But the point is that you can make an app
that uses the GTK+ toolkit but no other bits of the GNOME framework, or
you can make one that, er, does :).

Exactly the reasons Gnome fails to be consistent. The only Qt/non-KDE apps around are those that are specifically cross-platform. It looks like the GNOME people go out of their way to create a non-consistent desktop.

>Now I don't say GNOME is not suitable for some people, just that for new
>users, it might have some rough edges.

I don't see the rough edges as particular to new users, really. It's
better just to say GNOME 2.2 still has some rough edges :). Most of them
are being industriously filed down for 2.4, though. :)

When last did Gnome not have rough edges?

KDE2.2.x was pretty good, KDE3.0.x was better. Nothing since Gnome1.4
has shown any promise IMHO (except that Nautilus seems to have gotten a
little bit faster).


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
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