Götz Waschk wrote:

Am Montag, 9. Juni 2003, 18:05:48 Uhr MET, schrieb Stefan van der Eijk:

These files were already in the devel package (-3mdk):

These files were moved there by me (-4mdk --> -5mdk change):
What needs to be changed? Move move /usr/lib/libguilereadline.[a|la|so] (and /usr/lib/libguile.[a|la|so]) back to libguile10?


the only thing I know for sure is that the .a files belong to the
devel package. It's possible that there's a difference between
libguile and libguilereadline. This would be true if application link
to libguile and use libltdl to open libguilereadline as a module.

Then it needs to be compiled with -avoid-version?

should test if the applications that use these libraries still run
with your newest package.

I've tested it with beast and glame. Seem to run fine.


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