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Stefano Pogliani wanted us to know:

>   thanks for the reply

Bringing it back on the mailing list as others might be able to benefit
from this and I charge for consulting.

>  1. well, I do not know what UW is but I suppose is the IMAP program I
>     am using by default, right ?

If you do 'rpm -qa imap*' and it shows you something like imap-2002a or
similar.  That is the UW Imap server (which can also do pop by the way).

>  2. so, the MAILDIR directive simply tells WHERE the OTHER mailboxes
>     (what I called "my IMAP folders" are stored).
>     IS this correct ?


>  3. In some sample config, I saw a DEFAULT directive which was
>     something like =$MAILDIR/mbox.
>     Since I do not have this "mbox" but I have the
>     "/var/spool/mail/stefano" one, my question was "how can I set the
>     DEFAULT to point to my /var/spool.... file".

You are trying to get it to do something that it is not intended to do.
That default directive is a DIRECTORY whereas your
/var/spool/mail/username mbox is a single FILE.  See, each individual
mailbox folder is a single file and they all reside in $HOME/mail by
default, except for the INBOX which is the /var/spool/mail/username

At this point, my advice to you is to quit trying to do it your own way
and conform to the standard.  It will make it much easier to do it.
Though your way is not wrong, it's technically complicated.  An
additional benefit is in the case of an ISP who is offering specific
mailbox sizes.  If you implement quotas, it's very easy to enforce them
on the home directories.  It can be done on /var as well, but it gets
complicated because so many processes write things there, not just
users' mail.

>      From what you write at the end of your mail, this is implicit, so
>     that if I do not specify this directive, PROCMAIL already knows
>     what to do with mails that do not match any filter

Correct.  They get appended to /var/spool/mail/username.

>  4. My "Mandrake Export" folder is, actually, deep in a hierarchy.
>      From a filesystem point of view it is in
>     /home/stefano/Mail/Linux/Mandrake/Expert_4
>     How do I describe this nested folder in the procmail rule ?

It's not intended to be used that way, but it can be.  Just put for the
folder name:
The default path of $HOME/Mail/ is automatically prepended to it.
- -- 
Blue skies...   Todd    Public key: http://www.mrball.net/todd.asc
   $pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105; 
   # from memory                               --springgraph.pl
Linux kernel 2.4.19-24mdk   5 users,  load average: 1.12, 1.51, 1.29
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: http://www.mrball.net/todd.asc


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