On Wednesday 27 August 2003 09:32, Dave Cotton wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 August 2003 22:48, Paul Dorman wrote:
> > but I'm peeved
> You are not alone.
> > This happens too often (like, every day). Can the maintainers
> > **pah-lease** sort out the mirror situation.
> That gets my vote.
> I have posted on this list and 1 or 2 others have. Perhaps everyone
> in control things everything is hunky dory because so few complain.
> Maybe because there actually are so few who have not given up
> totally.
> Frequently when it all blows up in their faces after release we get
> the "well nobody told me so I assumed it was all right" type of
> posting. How many people are actually trying to test on as near to
> production as possible machines, I doubt more than a handful. There
> cannot be many because the mirror debacle over the last few days has
> not created a mass of postings. Mirrors all over the world have not
> been updating, mirrors have multiple versions of the same package. I
> receive changelogs that never reach a mirror.
> Mirrors have stale Carroll archiving messages.
> The primary mirror link on Cooker's home page hadn't updated for
> days.
> The two highest bandwidth mirrors in France club-internet and proxad
> had not been updated for days, proxad in fact had zero length files.
> The plea is always please test, give us the means to test and we
> will.

Well, i think that people forget that mandrake employees are working. 
They do not break mirrors for pleasure, and they are fully aware of the 

Do you really think they try to slow down the test ? to annoy their 
testers ?

no, they are working on it, and all we have to do is to wait. Sometimes, 
a solution is not easy to find, or take time to be applied. 


Mickaël Scherer

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