On Sat Sep 06, 2003 at 01:14:59PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:

> > > >> am-utils is a very much-needed package for Linux to integrate into big 
> > > >> "UNIX shops".
> > > >> 
> > > >> NASA/JPL (at least in my section) is a big "UNIX Shop". Wiothout 
> > > >> am-utils we are pretty screwed... is there a reason this package was 
> > > >> removed from 9.2 ? Has it just been renamed?
> > > >> 
> > > > 
> > > > BTW, this package was removed from 9.1 also. I made my own RPM from the 
> > > > only in 9.0, but it's still a hassle.
> It's in contrib in 9.1 and cooker.

Hmmm... well, to be honest, I never did look in contribs.  I suppose I
should have.  =)

> > > > When I reccomend Mandrake to other admins the first thing they ask is 
> > > > "Where fsck is am-utils"? I then send them some RPM's... But it would be 
> > > > nice if it was shipped standard...
> > > 
> > > And you are using it instead of autofs because...?
> > 
> > I'll tell you why I do.  autofs is ok, but I find am-utils simpler, better,
> > and nicer performance.  I was actually a little irked to find am-utils
> > missing in 9.1 as well (not that rebuilding from 9.0 was a big deal).
> But it's in contrib, there is an alternative in main => what's the 
> problem?

I never said there was a problem.  I just indicated my own personal
situation; I'm quite capable of searching in contribs (which I didn't do) or
rebuilding it myself (which I did).  No real problem at all.

I answered a question; I didn't indicate I had a problem.

> And if people miss alternative packages in main, and don't find the 
> package they want in contrib, is it wise to put uucp in contrib??? Sorry, 
> but it seems that you two have just managed to prove why moving something 
> which has no better implementation in main to contrib is a bad idea (even 
> experienced users miss it).

Well, it's not that I missed it... I just never looked.  I rarely add
contribs as a urpmi source, which is the most likely reason why I missed it.
The other reason is I just didn't think about checking contribs.

I don't think we proved anything other than perhaps a little laziness and/or
incompetence (if that, even).

So, by your point above, we should have one of everything in main?  Well,
where's my better implementation of gkrellm-plugins (in contribs).  Oh,
well, just for kicks, let's throw a few others out there.  Where's my
alternative to zssh or zope or xscorch or webalizer/analog or uudeview or
seahorse... ad naseum.  What makes uucp better than any of these programs
that don't have a "better alternative" in main?

> > What floors me (and yes, I'm driving more nails into an already dead horse
> > for those on the maintainers list), is why we move out good useful stuff
> > like am-utils but keep in pretty much useless stuff like uucp.
> Well, if am-utils is better, it should replace autofs in main (autofs can 
> go to contrib). But, AFAIK, there is no alternative for uucp, and packages 
> in main (postfix) contain entries in the default config for it (thus you 
> kind of expect it to be available ...).

The postfix issue is one thing, but if postfix doesn't depend on uucp, I
don't see how it's really relevant.  Again, if 5% (probably being overly
generous here) of our users use uucp, why is it in main?

> BTW, I haven't used am-utils, only autofs, but does anyone know if 
> am-utils has ldapv3 support (autofs at present only has ldapv2 support, 
> and this makes connections to openldap-2.1.x not work out-the-box).

That I couldn't tell you.  The only thing I use LDAP for is address book and
authentication.  I suspect you're referring to automount maps or some such?

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