On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 08:16:31PM +0000, OS wrote:
> Hello,
> Does any one know of a DVD player for Linux that actually works !  Here's 
> what I have tried so far with results :
> LiViD    - Couldn't even get it to compile ! 
> Xine     - Built fine and even runs, but then goes into a black hole whenever 
> you try to actually play a .mov file.
> Xmovie - Plays ! However most of the time it plays like the horizontal hold 
> (anyone else remember that !) has gone and I've seen instant replays play 
> faster !
> LinDVD - well, we're still waiting, but I for one am not holding his breath !
you also have VideoLan http://www.videolan.org
The VideoLanClient (vlc) is in the contrib. it is an old version, i will put a
new version with lot of new feature in 2 or 3 days (
The just have gnome support broken, it will be corrected really soon.
Yves Duret
"perl is just an one-line editor" (c) Egil

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