
  First let me say that when you claimed you had improved i81x support
for Intell chips you weren't joking.  The difference on this box between
the 8.2 install and the 9.0 install is unbelievable.  9.0 is as rock
steady as ever.  Shaping up to be the best release since 7.0 (That one
was such a remarkable improvement over 6.2 it wasn't funny.)

Now on the bugs side.  

   Creative SBLive audio card.  Even with all mixer settings (that
apply) maxed out the sound is still barely audible.  In 8.2 it rocks the
house.  Same Modules are installed.  Same everything else since it's one
box 5 distros.  Only 9.0 is silent so to speak.  No errors, no
complaints from the OS just no sound volume. (emu10k used with alsa on
all installs.)

   Problem carry over from 8.0 to 8.1 8.2 and now 9.0  It only
recognizes part of my video ram.  Using the onboard i815 chipset on an
ASUS TUSL2 motherboard.  Bios is set to 64megs for the video aperture.
RH 7.3 and SuSe 8.0 on the same box see all 64 megs 8.1 sees only 4096k
and 9.0 sees only 16384k of video ram.  Attempts to manually edit the
XF86Config-4 file yield a non working X.  As a result I can't do more
than 16 bit color and 3D acceleration bites.  

   If you go Into MCC and chose Hardware it comes up with a window that
says Monitor Resolution Display....Monitor and Display mean the same
thing to me.  Resolution is handled under Display so not needed
really.How about Choose Monitor .... Change Screen Size .... Configure X
for the titles instead?

   If you chose (In MCC) Hardware --> Display --> one button is gone
from the past.  See Settings.  Useful as heck to know where you are
before you go changing things... would it be possible to put this button
back?  The one thing it doesn't tell me is how much video ram Mandrake
thinks I have.... I now have to read XF86Config to find out.   

   Personal choice.  I liked the old way software manager came up.this
one is a tad more confusing and very very slow compared with 8.2

  All in all I'm happy with the distro on a whole. Now if I can just get
keramik and Mosfet's liquid to compile I'll be in hog heaven.  (Get this
keramik want's me to DOWNGRADE my autoconf .... Isn't gonna happen.)


Hardware Breakdown

CPU ---- Intell Celeron 950mhz
Ram ---- 512 Megs 64 megs shared.
BIOS ---- Latest from  ASUS
MotherBoard - ASUS TUSL2
Video --- Onboard i815 Chipset
Audio --- Onboard Disabled using SBLive.
Ethernet -- 3c905b
HDD --- 80G Maxtor 
CDRW --- ASUS 8x16x40
Power Supply --- Antec model unknown.

OS --- Mandrake 9.0Beta 4 Mandrake 8.2 Red Hat 7.3 Suse 8.0 Redmond
Linux (8.2 running Win4Lin)

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