What I did..

Using the network wizard I ONLY selected a ADSL using pppoe. No NIC

I entered the DNS servers, password, user name.

Tested the connection.

I was using a stopwatch so give or take a second.

After 17 seconds is says it cannot connect, check MCC.
After 27 seconds ppp0 tab appears.

Connection works.

But I have "Not Connected" in the status bar and the button says
"Connect adsl_pppoe". In 8.2 it would switch to "Disconnect adsl_pppoe"
when the ppp0 tab appeared.

I press the button and it says it is disconnecting.

Same thing as above

After about 17 seconds is says it cannot disconnect
After about 27 seconds ppp0 disappears

Disconnect works.

The status bar says "Connected" and the button says "Connect adsl_pppoe"

Behavior is consistent.

Now compare this to rp-pppoe-gui which takes 3 second. Not to mention it
allows for users to use the connection. That is, no need use root
password. I will say I am using the same provider as roaring penguin so
that helps. :)

You are using rp-pppoe as the backend for pppoe connection, correct? If
so, Roaring Penguin is doing it differently and doing it well.


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